Today’s “information age” is predominantly powered by five major technology companies: Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google – or “FAANG”. Each season, we’ll dive into one corporation and examine the ways it’s changed our lives – for better an
78 followers 0 artículos/semana
Elon Saves Humanity

A little over a year ago, Elon Musk made the world’s most expensive impulse purchase. His reasons for buying Twitter were murky at best, but in the story he tells now, he’s saving civilization. In the final episode of this season, we look at Twitter today, inside Elon’s fantasy. What happens when the world’s richest man buys the global town square -...

Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:19
Havoc On the Platform, and Off

Twitter employees had always imagined the platform would be used for social good. Their idea was that free expression on the internet would lead to good things. But after the 2016 U.S. election, that notion would be put under stress. And Twitter would have to grapple with the question: what happens when its powerful superuser - who also happens to be...

Wed Nov 8, 2023 11:57
A Million Different Twitters

Twitter was created by its users, who invented features like the retweet and hashtag. These features helped create vibrant communities like Black Twitter and Comedy Twitter, but eventually, some groups exploited Twitter’s virality in order to intimidate and harass others online. In this episode: how Twitter became the best and worst place on the internet.EDITOR'S...

Wed Nov 1, 2023 10:14
What We All Got Wrong About Twitter

Twitter began life as an accident. In the beginning, even its founders weren’t sure what it was: the internet’s town square, a real-time information source, or the next Facebook, maybe? Twitter's power has always been misunderstood -- by its leaders, by its users, and lately, by the world's richest person. Hosted by Peter Kafka (@pkafka) Be the first...

Wed Oct 25, 2023 11:30
The Twitter Fantasy

A year ago, in what was essentially the world’s most expensive impulse purchase, Elon Musk bought Twitter. That made him Twitter’s most important user. But he’s certainly not the only one to fall for its spell - a spell that promises attention, connection, and power. This season will explore why Twitter’s cultural and political influence far exceeds...

Wed Oct 18, 2023 01:53
The Global Race for EV Adoption

Tesla has spurred the EV revolution around the world, most notably in China. So why is the US so far behind on EV adoption, when it's the birthplace of Tesla? What went wrong here? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Wed Aug 30, 2023 15:51

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