137 followers 368 artículos/semana
How long does it take to render a 1000 row table?

Seriously, how long should it take? I'm trying to render a vanilla with React with about 1000 rows which has already been downloaded and cached on the client and it's taking about 750ms to render on my pretty beefy desktop PC. I don't know if React is slow, or the DOM is slow, or maybe I'm just screwing something up. But I didn't think it would be...

Fri May 3, 2024 08:55
Anyone have any recommendations for CRM that is extremely light to integrate?

My experience with Hubspot integrations have been subpar and even though it is a great platform the performance hits from using it are not worth it. What I am looking for a is a CRM where the integration is extremely light from a performance perspective and the backend functionality is good or better. Do you have any recommendations? The two main functions...

Fri May 3, 2024 08:55
Sharing freelance materials

Sharing Web Development Freelance Contracts Hi all, Sharing out the contracts I use for my web development and computer repair freelancing. Please feel free to take, edit, share, ignore any and everything in the GitHub repo: https://github.com/blubberbo/web-dev-freelancing-resources Any and all feedback is also welcome! Enjoy submitted by /u/blubberbo...

Fri May 3, 2024 08:55
Using github and VS Code?

Hey everyone! I know i’m going to sound pretty stupid for this but i’ve looked all over youtube and all of the videos are from years ago or don’t really explain it well in my opinion. Can someone here explain to me in the most basic terms how to use github and vs code together so that i’m able to access my code from both my laptop and desktop submitted...

Fri May 3, 2024 08:55
Vite: Minified & Non Minified Builds + Have Build Extensions Be .js And Not .cjs

Is it possible with Vite to make builds that will make a non minified build and a minified build? This way when you make a build you will get a script.js and a script.min.js file. Is it also possible to have the file extensions of each build to be a .js extesion and not a .cjs extension? This is my config ``` // vite.config.js import { defineConfig...

Fri May 3, 2024 05:54
Preventing overflow with absolute-positioned elements

So, uh, here: https://codepen.io/milesseventh/pen/WNWqRxg What I'm trying to implement is scrollable sidebar with hints appearing on hover next to buttons inside it. The problem is, simply using overflow-y: auto causes captions to clip despite them belonging to different stacking context, and setting overflow-x to any value doesn't help. The issue with...

Fri May 3, 2024 05:54

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