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We Suck at Predicting

At the turn of the 20th century, cities around the world had a crappy problem that was getting worse by the day. Literally. Metropolises were rapidly growing in population, and thus so did the number of horse-drawn carriages to transport people from place to place. The problem? Horses generate a lot of waste. At this time, New York City had an estimated...

Mon Jul 22, 2024 21:43
Weight Loss Medication and Video Games

I spent the past week in The Land of Shadow. It was miserable. I loved almost every minute of it. I recently finished playing Shadow of the Erd Tree, the expansion for 2022’s game of the year, Elden Ring. In case you’re unfamiliar, Elden Ring is an action-adventure game where you play as an undead warrior tasked with slaying grotesque bosses across...

Mon Jul 15, 2024 18:07
What is “The Constant” in your life?

Last week, one of the world’s most popular shows finally made its way to Netflix: LOST. I’m excited for more people to discover this show. Because from 2004 to 2010, I tuned into ABC each week to find out what happened to the passengers of Oceanic Flight 815. Although it didn’t quite land the plane (heyo!) with its final few seasons, few will take...

Mon Jul 8, 2024 21:06
Do you have a Workout Emergency Fund?

A few weeks ago, I got a parking ticket. I went to meet up with a group of friends at a bar in Nashville, and forgot to pay the $5 for parking at the parking terminal on my way in. After about 45 minutes, while sitting in the restaurant, I remembered. Oh crap. I ran out to my car, and sure enough, right there tucked under my windshield wiper was...

Mon Jul 8, 2024 21:06
Be Careful What You Measure

Last week, Wells Fargo fired a bunch of their remote employees. It turns out that these employees were “simulating keyboard activity” (with a program/device that automatically typed keys or jiggled their mouse when they weren’t at their computer). Why? Because that’s how these employees were evaluated: Not by how many clients they brought in, nor...

Mon Jul 1, 2024 22:46
What’s the “30/30/30 Rule” for Weight Loss?

Today, we’re diving deep into the viral 30-30-30 “rule” for weight loss. Recently, I noticed the 30/30/30 method blowing up on TikTok and Instagram. Here’s the video of Gary Brecka explaining the “30/30/30 rule to lose fat” in case you haven’t seen it: Let’s quickly recap what this “rule” entails, in case you missed the video. The 30-30-30 Rule:...

Fri Jun 21, 2024 17:48

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