157 followers 476 articles/semaine
Just made my first push as a Meta intern!

Super excited; changed a few minor things, but should be no biggie. submitted by /u/seasaltsaves [link] [comments]

Wed May 15, 2024 06:33
Is magento 2 a bit of a ticking time bomb? (worth staying or moving platforms)

Hello I have a magento 2 (2.2.7) website and need to invest significant funds to upgrade it to the current version (2.4.6). I sometimes hear things about Magento 2 being a bit of a ticking time bomb since Adobe bought it out and they just focus on Adobe Commerce meaning magento 2 may eventually be unusable or overly difficult to use. Wanted to hear...

Wed May 15, 2024 06:33
How to know whether my site is getting blocked by any ISPs?

I'm running a site hosted on GCP cloud storage. Although 99% of users have never had problems, a small percent of users have occasionally had issues accessing the site, which I've always ultimately traced back to their ISP. My main question is: are there any tools out there that can help me check all (or most common) ISPs to see if any others have...

Wed May 15, 2024 06:33
When, why or do you even care about the climate impact of web development?

I was browsing through the starlight docs and I found a section about the environmental impact of the framework: https://starlight.astro.build/environmental-impact/ It surprise me because I had never though about that, I mean, why an app with 0 users need to care about the environment? So, is there actually a point when we should or a company care about...

Wed May 15, 2024 03:34
Workaround/hack for 1px edge artifacts during transition for skewed ::before pseudoelement?

Suppppp fellow nerds. I'm playing around with a skewed grid layout, with child card components that transition to unskewed on hover. The actual animation is working just fine and dandy, but on both Firefox and Chrome (don't have a Mac or BrowserStack to test Safari), there's a slight artifact visible during the transition. The child card components...

Wed May 15, 2024 03:34

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