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Swiss parliamentary committee urges CHF15 million for Women's Euro 2025  

A committee of the Swiss House of Representatives has voted in favour of a proposal to allocate CHF15 million ($16.5 million) in support of next year’s European Women’s Football Championship, which Switzerland will host. This is almost four times the amount proposed by the Swiss government. With 15 votes in favour, 5 against and 3 abstentions, the Science,...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 15:29
Swiss foreign minister to attend special WEF meeting in Saudi Arabia 

Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis will participate in a special meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Riyadh to discuss global cooperation, along with the situation in the Middle East and Ukraine. The two-day special meeting will take place on Sunday and Monday, with the aim of promoting dialogue on global cooperation. The event will focus...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 15:00
Switzerland inaugurates its largest green hydrogen power plant

After a year’s work, Switzerland's largest green hydrogen production facility was inaugurated on Friday, and it is poised to eliminate the need for one and a half million litres of diesel fuel a year. The 2.5-megawatt facility in canton Graubünden, in eastern Switzerland, can produce 350 tonnes of green hydrogen a year, according to the operating electricity...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 13:35
SNB president warns of potential inflation shocks in Switzerland

Global events continue to threaten Switzerland’s price stability despite the country’s strong record on inflation, Swiss National Bank President Thomas Jordan warned. “In the current environment uncertainty remains elevated, and new shocks can occur at any time,” he said on Friday. “We will therefore monitor the ongoing development of inflation closely...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 13:35
Zurich judge barred from ruling on climate activists

A judge at the District Court of Zurich is no longer allowed to rule on climate protection activists. The Federal Court has declared him biased on the grounds that he had shown solidarity with them. The judge had acquitted a climate activist of the group "Extinction Rebellion" in September 2022. The trial was triggered by a street blockade erected in...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 17:17
Climate activists picket Swiss National Bank’s shareholder meeting

Climate campaigners picketed the Swiss National Bank's shareholders meeting in Bern on Friday in protest against the bank's investments in companies they say damage the environment and carry out fracking. The demonstration follows a decision this month by Europe's top human rights court that Bern was not doing enough to protect its citizens against...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 16:48

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