Projects, Tutorials and More by Jonathan
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Pwning WPA Enterprise with Hostapd on Kali Linux

Hey guys, welcome to another WiFi tutorial! Our last WiFi tutorial showed how to manually setup and configure an evil twin using a wireless router, but this time we'll be shifting gears into automating most of that process with hostapd. Hostapd is a powerful script which allows one to create an access point from an 802.11 card along with a RADIUS server....

Tue Sep 1, 2015 04:52
Preventing CredCrack, Mimikatz, Pass-the-Hash and more

Hey everyone! After releasing CredCrack last week I received many requests asking how someone should defend against it. This blog post will go over just that! Today we will be covering how to properly secure environments and prevent common attack vectors such as CredCrack/Mimikatz, pass-the-hash and more. I broke down the best practices into two major...

Wed Aug 19, 2015 07:25
Domain Administrator in 17 seconds

Obtaining domain administrative privileges on a security assessment is a goal that many assessors seek. It is what fills us with excitement, as we know that the real fun is about to begin. After several assessments of crunching and spending time obtaining domain administrator privileges I decided that I wanted to expedite this process. CredCrack was...

Wed Aug 12, 2015 06:54
Health Hacking: Sitting is Bad, Get Healthy!

We are living in an era where most professionals whether computer consultants or doctors use computers on a daily basis. Most computers are in an office which in turn introduces long periods of sitting. Sitting for long periods of time has proven to be a contributor to bad posturing, weight gain, diseases and shortening the length of our lives!. This...

Tue Jun 30, 2015 16:04
Performing an Evil Twin Attack with a Router

An evil twin is a common attack vector in any environment where wireless access is available. The attack consists of an attacker spoofing an access point to look as legitimate as its counterpart in attempts to harvest credentials.With that being said let's take a look at how to set up an evil twin access point in an WPA2 Enterprise environment.What...

Tue Jun 30, 2015 16:04
Installing MinGW (gcc, g++) on Kali Linux to Compile Windows Code

It is possible to compile windows code natively in Backtrack and Kali using MinGW compiler and Wine. While MinGW comes already installed and configured for users in Backtrack, it does not in Kali.Let's go over how to install and configure MinGW for Kali and how to use it to compile windows code, but first some quick definitions.What is Wine?Wine allows...

Tue Jun 30, 2015 16:04

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