157 followers 473 件/週
When, why or do you even care about the climate impact of web development?

I was browsing through the starlight docs and I found a section about the environmental impact of the framework: https://starlight.astro.build/environmental-impact/ It surprise me because I had never though about that, I mean, why an app with 0 users need to care about the environment? So, is there actually a point when we should or a company care about...

Wed May 15, 2024 03:34
Workaround/hack for 1px edge artifacts during transition for skewed ::before pseudoelement?

Suppppp fellow nerds. I'm playing around with a skewed grid layout, with child card components that transition to unskewed on hover. The actual animation is working just fine and dandy, but on both Firefox and Chrome (don't have a Mac or BrowserStack to test Safari), there's a slight artifact visible during the transition. The child card components...

Wed May 15, 2024 03:34
How much value does visual basic .net /sap /mysqlserver add to cv?

I may have the oportunity to do a project using those tecnologies + html/css. This is a 4 persln project. Is it worth it or would it not add a lot od value to my cv? submitted by /u/Annual-Ad-416 [link] [comments]

Wed May 15, 2024 03:34
How can I create a simple quiz like this?

I'm a designer and content creator working with charities. I'd like to propose a simple online quiz like this: https://campaign.refuge.org.uk/page/145184/-/1 The quiz starts with a couple questions, then asks you to sign up to their mailing list and finally gives you results and asks if you'd like to donate. You can easily skip these steps too and...

Wed May 15, 2024 03:34
Cheap deployment services for hobby projects?

I have already deployed a react site on render dot com and it's express.js backend on fly dot io, no complaints here. I just developed another small react site with a python/flask backend and there will be more, and here comes the question - what's the best site/service for deploying multiple small apps (especially the backend?) I can pay like $5 or...

Wed May 15, 2024 03:34


14 日間のトライアルをはじめましょう。クレジットカードは不要です。
