In the Attic
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Text-To-Speech with Windows 10 IoT Core & UWP on Raspberry Pi Part 2

In my previous post, I've written about using Raspberry Pi running Windows 10 IoT Core for Text-To-Speech services for my smart home. As I've mentioned in that post, I have speakers in two floors wired to an amplifier, connected to a Raspberry Pi. The thing is that each of the speakers is wired to its own audio channel - ground floor speaker is wired...

Sun Aug 13, 2017 13:24
Text-To-Speech with Windows 10 Iot Core & UWP on Raspberry Pi

One of the best features I’ve found in using Windows 10 IoT Core on my home Raspberry Pi (which is a small, inexpensive piece of hardware) is, it can do voice synthesis very well (i.e. it can “speak”). While Windows developers could develop applications with this same functionality for quite a long time, I was still overwhelmed when I saw such small...

Sat Jul 29, 2017 21:18
Microsoft Cognitive Services - Computer Vision

Similar to Face API, Computer Vision API service deals with image recognition, though on a bit wider scale. Computer Vision Cognitive Service can recognize different things on a photo and tries to describe what's going on - with a formed statement that describes the whole photo, a list of tags,  describing objects and living things on it, or, similar...

Thu Jul 20, 2017 03:31
Microsoft Cognitive Services - playground app

I've just published my Cognitive Services sample app to github. Currently it's limited to Face API service, but I'll work on expanding it to cover other services as well.The Microsoft Cognitive Service Playground app aims to support: managing person groups,managing persons,associating faces with persons,training person groups,detecting faces on photos,identifying...

Fri Jul 14, 2017 23:28
Microsoft Cognitive Services - Face identification

In today's Cognitive Services post, things are going to get a bit more interesting - we're moving from face detection to face identification. The difference is that we're not only going to detect there is a face (or more faces) present on a photo, but actually identify the person that face belongs to. But to do that, we need to teach the AI about people...

Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:47
Microsoft Cognitive Services - using a Face API SDK

Once you have a Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API set up (see previous post), it's very easy to consume because they are based on a familiar JSON-based REST API. That means you can either access your services by rolling your own code or use one of existing SDKs that are available for most common platforms - Windows, iOS, Android and Python. For...

Mon Jul 10, 2017 17:22

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