Funny FAIL Pictures and Videos
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'They took a full report before insisting on delivering my property—a completely melted Slurpee': Neighbors call cops on guy housesitting next door because his food was accidentally delivered to their house

A man was housesitting at his partner's parent's house when he got the late night munchiess. At 1 a.m., he decided to browse through his food delivery apps to see what could satisfy his craving. His choice was a Slurpee and candy from a nearby 7/11. While waiting for his food, he fell asleep. The next morning, he went to check on his food only to find...

Sun May 5, 2024 17:12
Guy gets fired, company won't reimburse flights for upcoming work trip: 'Now that I'm not part of the company, I'm obviously not attending said retreat'

Talk about a cheap company! This HR department had to let go of seven employees as a result of budget cuts, but it gets worse. When one of those employees brought up the fact that he would like to be reimbursed for the flights he already purchased for the upcoming work retreat (which he obviously will no longer be attending), HR denied his request! Their...

Sun May 5, 2024 15:22
Male Karen won't stop griping at neighbor's wife whenever her husband leaves for work, husband leaves perfectly vengeful parting gift when they move out: 'Best. Gift. Ever.'

If you're going to be a Karen, you better be able to face the consequences of your actions. 

Sun May 5, 2024 15:22
Boss threatens contractors job when they park in the public parking space the boss normally uses, contractor gets even: 'I'm told that this boss gets the say on my contract and doesn't need a reason to end my contract'

The willingness of superiors to apply rules to themselves that they make for others speaks volumes to the character and quality of an organization. An undercurrent of issues surrounding fairness in leadership can give you a great indication of the toxicity of the workplace. This reaches levels of ridiculousness that can't be rationalized when it begins...

Sun May 5, 2024 03:52
'As it got harder, I started to mess up': Job applicant sparks debate after sharing his experience being interviewed by AI

Job interviews are never easy. It can be exciting after searching countless job listings for one you like, submitting all your application materials, and finally hearing back that you got an interview. But how do you prepare? You don't want to overprepare because, at the time of the interview, your nerves are high, and it can be hard to remember every...

Sun May 5, 2024 02:38
'You're prioritizing a dog?': Entitled airplane Karen gets shut down after trying to steal a service dog's designated seat

We love our dogs. For some people, their dog is more important than any friendship and the dog's position in the household has been firmly secured as a bone-a-fide family member. Contrarily, the Karen in our next story never imagined that a dog would ever surpass her own self-imposed importance and she had the audacity to challenge a woman's claim to...

Sun May 5, 2024 00:22

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