Seth Godin's riffs on marketing, respect, and the ways ideas spread.
6k followers 7 artykułów/tydzień
Manipulation, indoctrination and addiction

They’re often related. It’s not unusual for someone to have more experience or knowledge than we do. If they use that knowledge to their benefit, not ours, they might be manipulating us. If we knew what they knew, we wouldn’t have gone along. This is the difference between a generous teacher and a hustler. Indoctrination is the...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 13:18
Books don’t sell

That’s not true, actually. Books sell, but book doesn’t. The odds of a particular book selling a lot of copies are close to zero. The truth of the long tail is that most titles are way out on the fringe. Now that book publishing is unleashed from retail distribution, the math is hard to avoid. There were more than 450,000 new titles issued...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:17
Bottom of the funnel

It’s easy to get focused on the public-facing mouth of the funnel. More followers. More impressions. More buzz, hype, promotion. Get the word out. Just about all the time people who call themselves “marketers” spend is on this. Don’t worry about what happens later, just pour more attention into the top. ...

Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:23
“What’s the catch?”

It’s an important question. Lots of opportunities come with one, and going in with your eyes open helps avoid problems later. Two challenges: Sometimes, a really good opportunity doesn’t actually have a catch. And spending a lot of time looking for one keeps us from the work we ought to be doing. And sometimes, a really...

Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:57
Generational shifts in punditry

In 1970, when Walter Cronkite was narrating current events for the United States, he was 54 years old. Hitchcock made his last film when he was 77. When there’s a limited number of slots for narrators to fill, they can stick around for a long time. One of the overlooked cultural shifts of our time is that by dramatically expanding the...

Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:50
What happened vs. what we do about it

It’s possible to have a useful conversation about what to do about something that’s broken or needs improvement. But first, we must acknowledge that it happened. It’s not controversial to understand the facts, the data and the shifts that are happening in the world we live in. In fact, the only way to have a useful conversation about what to...

Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:49

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