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28 followers 47 artykułów/tydzień
Zurich judge barred from ruling on climate activists

A judge at the District Court of Zurich is no longer allowed to rule on climate protection activists. The Federal Court has declared him biased on the grounds that he had shown solidarity with them. The judge had acquitted a climate activist of the group "Extinction Rebellion" in September 2022. The trial was triggered by a street blockade erected in...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 17:17
Climate activists picket Swiss National Bank’s shareholder meeting

Climate campaigners picketed the Swiss National Bank's shareholders meeting in Bern on Friday in protest against the bank's investments in companies they say damage the environment and carry out fracking. The demonstration follows a decision this month by Europe's top human rights court that Bern was not doing enough to protect its citizens against...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 16:48
Swiss parliamentary committee backs Ukraine aid plan

A Swiss parliamentary committee has voted to back a CHF5 billion ($5.5 billion) aid contribution for Ukraine as part of a broader package aimed at boosting neutral Switzerland's defence capabilities. Backed by lawmakers from centre-left and centre-right parties, the security committee of the Senate on Thursday approved the package, which will provide...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 16:48
Zelensky claims Moscow is planning to derail Swiss peace conference 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says Russia wants to prevent the peace conference set to be held in Switzerland in June. There is a plan to do so, Zelensky told foreign diplomats, including the Swiss ambassador, in Kyiv. Alleged Russian disruptive activities were not confirmed by the Swiss defence ministry on Thursday at the request of the Swiss...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 14:53
Rare books stolen from Geneva library 

The European police authority Europol, in co-operation with other police forces, stopped four suspected thieves of antique and rare books in Georgia and Latvia on Wednesday. The gang is believed to have stolen at least 170 books from various libraries in Europe, including in Geneva. Europol estimates the value of the stolen goods at around €2.5 million...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 13:25
Swiss extend support for Sri Lankan adoptees wishing to trace roots

The Back to the Roots care and support programme for adopted people from Sri Lanka will continue until the end of 2025. The Swiss Conference of Cantonal Justice and Police Directors is funding the project for another year, the Back to the Roots association said on Thursday. So far, around 70 adopted people from Sri Lanka have been able to benefit from...

Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:28

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