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AABB moving player outside the colliding AABB

Hi,I am working on implementing AABB collision and I can detect collision but say if you have a player AABB and the meshes AABB, when they collide, I set the player velocity to zero. However, since they are still colliding, the player can't get out anymore since velocity is zero. I'm doing this so the player does not go into the wall. I need to somehow...

Tue May 7, 2024 02:07
Embodied manipulation: a control scheme for immersive sim gameplay

This is all very specific to console games using gamepad controllers. What about mouse/keyboard, which is the optimal input method for first person games?Have you played any VR games? VR allows the player to directly interact with objects in the scene, since we have direct control over the placement of hands and the view direction.

Tue May 7, 2024 02:07
Post-processing effects, advanced PBR materials, USD support - Diligent Engine 2.5.5 packs a lot of new features

Release 2.5.5 of Diligent Engine packs a lot of new features.Post-Processing EffectsScreen-Space Reflections

Tue May 7, 2024 00:08
Infinite Chef

Infinite Chef is a cooking simulation game that can be played directly in a web browser. It features a unique smart dish name generator and hundreds of ingredients to cook and play with.

Mon May 6, 2024 22:12
Specular lighting calculation does not make any sense but it works. Why?

Let's take the example below (from spec = pow(max(dot(viewDir, reflectDir), 0.0), 32); vec3 specular = spec * lightColor; FragColor = texture(u_specMap, aTextCoord) * vec4(specular, 1.0f);This does indeed work and makes the object shiny when the angle between the view and reflect vectors are close to being parallel (angle...

Mon May 6, 2024 20:14
How much would it cost to make an 2D artstyle mockup?

Hello, I'm making a 2D puzzle game and have a demo/prototype with mechanics implemented across ~50 levels. They are all using programmer art. I'd like to pay an artist to experiment with artstyles and create a mockup screen, Basically, I have this(but with switches and puzzle stuff):And want mockups that transform it in to this:

Mon May 6, 2024 20:14

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