A community dedicated to Bitcoin, *the currency of the Internet*. Bitcoin is a distributed, worldwide, decentralized digital money. Bitcoins are issued and managed without any central authority whatsoever: there is no government, company, or bank in
2k followers 324 статті/тиждень
Am I paranoid?

So after marking up my metal plate with my seed phrase I then took a pic of it with my iPhone. This was so I could compare it against my hand written card to confirm all the words were correct. I then deleted and then permanently deleted the pics. I’ve since found out that this pics can be recovered by using third party apps on a pc. I guess I would...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 20:07
Bitcoin is the Key.

submitted by /u/ikbalsaha689 [link] [comments]

Sat Apr 27, 2024 20:07
Could Bitcoin solo mining really be considered an alternative to state lotteries? Let’s run the numbers. Need the math whizzes on this sub to compare odds and required investment

Current payout after the latest halving at 3.125 BTC (about $196,000 USD at current prices) A somewhat equivalent payout could be obtained by playing the Fantasy 5 lottery: https://www.calottery.com/draw-games/fantasy-5 * Prize amount for five number match $182,000. * Odds of guessing all 5 of 5 winning numbers: 1 in 575,757. What would be the odds...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 20:07
Don't stop using Phoenix Wallet in the US

As many of you know, Phoenix Wallet is pulling out of Google Play in the US. Well this doesn't matter at all, since the app can be downloaded straight from the GitHub page here, no Google Play needed: https://github.com/ACINQ/phoenix/releases The whole point of bitcoin is not having to obey totalitarian regimes that aim to restrict our freedoms. Do...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 20:07
need the bitcoin pros here to help me create my own node to help verify stuck BTC tranaction and help my own as well.

hello, I've been mining since the s5/s7 days. I now have a decent little farm still with some s19s. recently I sent a TX from my.ledger nano s to coinbase accidentally put $2.80 on "custom" instead of $28.00 i didn't know ledger live mobile DOES NOT support RBF. so I tried electrum and the TX that isn't showing in mempool.or blockchain explorer is not...

Sat Apr 27, 2024 20:07
In its right place.

submitted by /u/Carrots46n2 [link] [comments]

Sat Apr 27, 2024 20:07

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