DIY, the Maker Movement, Quantified Self, Arduino, Wiring
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Two Years into Self–Learning Arabic

ابتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظعغفقكلمنـهوي In February 2016 I set a goal to learn Modern Standard Arabic as a consumer, i.e., to gain the ability to read and listen in Arabic, with no intention to speak or write. I enjoy to learn things by myself, and despite plenty of recommendations on the web which advised me to find a teacher, I learn Arabic unsupervised....

Tue Jan 16, 2018 17:55
Eight Predictions for the World in 2030

I discovered an article named 8 predictions for the world in 2030 and here I am about to comment on the statements in the article. The ultimate goal of this blogpost written now in 2017 is to return to it in 2030, thus giving myself sort of feedback how wrong or right was my mental model in 2017. I. All products will have become services. This...

Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:29
Experiences with X009 Device (Cheap Spy SIM GPRS GPS Camera)

Previous month I played with unbranded Chinese MMS spy camera, this time I tested similar device branded as X009. The principle is the same for both devices – you send SMS message to the device and receive photo in MMS message (and there are plenty other features like microphone and video).The X009 device can be found on eBay as “Mini SIM GPRS Tracker...

Sun Apr 10, 2016 10:48
Experiences with Cheap MMS Spy Camera

In the past few years I created and tested several web–cams for outdoor use. Here is summary of all my experiments (in Slovak). Recently I discovered on eBay a very cheap device named GPRS Positioning MMS Video Taking Locator Video band GSM spy camera. In terms of features the device is similar to trail hunting cameras, but the price is awesome,...

Fri Mar 11, 2016 11:13
Six Months of Creative Leisure Time (in Slovak)

If a man walk in the woods for love of them half of each day, he is in danger of being regarded as a loafer; but if he spends his whole day as a speculator, shearing off those woods and making earth bald before her time, he is esteemed an industrious and enterprising citizen. – H. D. Thoreau V júni roku 2014 som sa rozhodol, že vo februári 2015...

Fri Sep 4, 2015 21:13
Yet Another Wireless Music Visualizer

We use Arduino and bluetooth to wirelessly visualize music being played on PC. Arduino and its accessories are running from battery. In order to eliminate noise we analyze the music stream on PC and send frequency spectrum information to arduino via bluetooth. Here is also some music playing in background and the box is open: Comparison of Existing...

Thu Aug 20, 2015 22:35


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