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Does Amino Software tool kits for AI actually exist?

I heard about it somewhere where you can do tests on AI by uploading their code. I'm hesitant to believe this, i want to confirm if its true. submitted by /u/kfm2001_ [link] [comments]

Fri May 3, 2024 21:05
AI to automate social video editing

submitted by /u/happybirthday290 [link] [comments]

Fri May 3, 2024 21:05
This week in AI - all the Major AI developments in a nutshell

Alibaba Research released Qwen1.5-110B, the largest model in the Qwen1.5 series with over 100 billion parameters in the series. It demonstrates competitive performance against Llama-3-70. The model supports the context length of 32K tokens and is multilingual [Details]. Gradient released a model, Llama-3 8B Gradient Instruct 1048k, that extends LLama-3...

Fri May 3, 2024 21:05
Amazon requires cloud events to spend 80% of time talking about generative AI

Amazon's AWS Global Summit events must now allocate up to 80% of their agenda to generative AI-related content. The directive aims to showcase Amazon's AI capabilities and address any perception of falling behind competitors like Microsoft and Google. Amazon is on track to earn 'multi-billion' dollars in revenue from generative AI offerings this year....

Fri May 3, 2024 18:05
Live transcription with manual word highlighting?

Hey everyone, I'm looking for an AI tool (that can be used on an android phone or iOS tablet) that live transcribes spoken language, and allows you to highlight words whilst it's transcribing. So for example if I was having a conversation with someone, it would transcribe what each of us was saying to written word on-screen live as we were talking,...

Fri May 3, 2024 15:04


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